Monday, November 1, 2010

Bittersweet Birthday Boy

Good bye 5!

P turns six tomorrow.  Today we celebrated his last day as a five year old, and we both had bittersweet thoughts!  We lay in bed for almost an hour after awakening while he chatted about growing and changing and life.  He was excited and red rimmed at the same time.  I think that pretty much sums up this stage (does it sum up all of childhood?!)

Then, tonight, as he lay in bed trying to drift off, he suddenly turned to me and said, "Mama!  I can't see the Universe's energy the way I could before!  I used to be able to see every color, and now its just red, purple and..." (I forget the other color...)  P's always talked about being able to see energy.  He used to grab at it when he was a toddler, smiling at it and telling me what it was doing.   He, seemingly (from the way he describes it) sees people's auras too.  (Call the kid crazy, just not to his face ;)  Tonight, he seemed panicked that this would change, that he was outgrowing it... and the cynic in me could only think, well, you are almost 6, the world was bound to beat that beauty out of you sooner or later ;)  (Don't worry, Mom, I just kissed his forehead ;)  He had enough on his mind already!)

Ahhh, here's to finding six as sweet, amazing and fun as five.  Cuz, honestly (I'm having trouble saying good-bye to it;), five was Faaaaaaaaaaaabulous!!!

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