The rain, the wind, the cold, nothing can keep the kid from the puddles. After picking our limit at the library (that's, um, FIFTY books, folks - and we do it almost twice a week lately! His story appetite is insatiable of late...) P suggested we head to the Big puddles that the recent rain had blessed us with. Spare layers in hand (and half the library dropped at our door) we biked to P's favorite muddle (its too mucky to classify as a puddle). The longing looks he garners from other kids as he splashes his way through messiness is just heartbreaking. One little girl actually stopped me (after her mom yanked her away from a puddle P inspired her to join) and asked me why P could go into the wet spots. Glancing down at her galoshes and then into her mother's raised eyebrow I mumbled something about spare layers and hurried after P...
I appreciated the fact that he didn't get sick this time (a common coincidence to puddle jumping? Or some nasty puddle secret I'm not privy to, thus the raised brow?). The kid was c.o.l.d. when he finished racing. Fortunately, it was nothing a fresh set of clothes and a warm bath couldn't cure.
He's so weighed down with wet in the video below he has trouble turning! I don't think you can see it streaming, but he zooms by with a smile big enough that he couldn't hide it even with his super-sulk:)
50 books! Wow, how do you get them back home! I usually have about half that, and it kills my back carrying them!
A - my shoulders and I are at war :)
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