E and I chat occasionally about new neighborhoods. Cheaper ones, with larger flats. But then there's a beautiful day - or a mound of snow - and we are so very thrilled to be by this lovely park that we know we aren't going Anywhere :) And so it was last week when the fluffy stuff started and P pulled me through the house on his way out the door (in his jammies ;)
After layers and a snack we headed across the street, P on his bike, BB in my bag. The wooded area just across the street would probably be laughable to a native of the Rockies, but for a New Yorker it is unbelievably outdoorsy :) Very few come through our monster woods and the paths meander up and down until they reach a... parking lot. But if you face the right direction, (away from the tops of the brownstones) its a full on woodsy experience - and P just loves it.
After frolicking on his bike in the snow and then obsessively picking powder covered flowers we headed home for hot cocoa.
But alas, what did my scrounger son spy at the bottom of the stoop? A free sled. A red rectangle sled, no less. Knowing there was limited space for such treasures (and that the chair he had rescued from the sidewalk last week with a "Mama, its USEFUL, it can't just go to the dump! We should take it in. Its a good thing, mama." had claimed a large footprint in our home) he instantly went into problem solver mode. The new sled was Necessary for BB. BB didn't have a sled, and this new one had a string that he could pull BB with and.. and.... and :)
So there went the hot cocoa plan ;) Back through the park we danced, even more snow adding more enchantment to the evening, with BB happily ensconced in his new chariot. Whenever P would hit a bump that would bonk BB, sliding the monster from his sitting position, P would stop, carefully replace his beloved and carry on through the woods. All the way through the woods we wandered to the good sledding hill beyond, reaching it just at dusk. It really was lovely.
P pulling BB
The boys (I swear, I'm practically clinical these days. BB is such a fixture in our home that I find myself referring to Phoenix and his monster in plural regularly...) ready for a ride downhill
By dark we were spent and headed home to our warm radiators, P enormously pleased with his new possession and BB enormously wet :)
hey come out to bay ridge! we have a nice park nearby (owl's head). i know its not prospect park but still. would love to have other unschoolers around! btw, pics are BEAUTIFUL! Dina
Love the snow pictures! And what a great sled find for P!!!!
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