In an attempt to ward off winter boredom (for me;) we're doing more projects. P is fascinated by all things holiday-ish this year, so I figured a gingerbread house was in order. I had no idea...
Fortunately we planned on being home for the entire day :) It was a lovely time, the stirring, the baking, the icing making. Most instructions said to wait a while after assembling to decorate, but the four year old thought this sounded Ridiculous, so we soldiered ahead to no ill effect. P also made some gingerbread people to live in the house, and then promptly ate one, taunting it the whole time! He ended up keeping two, plus a little cookie I made him with a pink heart (which he swears he'll Never eat or throw away ;) The boy and the woman live in the house, along with the witch (imaginary) from Hansel and Gretel (a story P sorta likes and is sorta scared of, but he befriended her so that she could live with us :) Due to the kitchen being a DISASTER when E returned from work that evening, we went out to eat. Along with the witch. I received more than a few sidelong glances for my cackling and strange behavior, but the little man noticed nothing out of the ordinary.
I should take a picture of the house as it is today, a week later, in shambles. I had always assumed these things were virtually inedible, setting about for long periods covered in excess sugar. Turns out, they are quite tasty :) The boy, the invisible witch and the heart covered cookie, however, are still in mint condition.
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