So, the little pink monster (the miniature, mind you) is the sole proprietor of a construction site, a glorious antique chateau (sidewalk scrounge), a treehouse, a VW, a pirate ship, and of course, the red sled. Despite the numerous tortures he endures, he is a well gifted Baby Brother and so P decided to build him... the world.
After sculpting a false front on his Gordon train, giving it an all black pain job and shiny silver wheels, we made a train set for his newly created Steam Engine for BB. Then P added in the old cardboard buildings he so adores and whalah! BB had a house (a new, even smaller BB from play-doh was required to fit in the tiny abode and tiny steam engine), a school and a boat house (as designated by the old buildings). P's script for this world was as follows: The train comes to pick up BB for school. BB doesn't want to go but has to. He trains to school and then escapes and plays hooky at the boathouse where he sails the sea and makes friends with a friendly crocodile
who then comes home to live with P, his Mama and Papa. This was enacted with much gusto, new friends piling into the Schulton yard by the minute. It all ended with BB starting a Dinosaur Wildlife Refuge for baby dinosaurs who's mums had been carried off by large birds. A four year old's imagination is such a lovely place to live during the day:)
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