Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pippi Longstockings

Having had my long, red hair often placed into braids as a child, an affinity for Pippi Longstockings was fairly required of me. But my admiration went much deeper than pigtails. Much to my mother's dismay, I wouldn't touch a dress or anything girly (she had three other boys, what did she need with a fourth?) - today's pink princess problem would have floated right over my plaited head, I loved Pippi. Her spunk, her independence, her bravery, her funky stockings (I said I wouldn't wear dresses not that I didn't adore decorative dressing!) We were Tomboy brethren. So when a friend recently quoted one of Pippi's unschooly remarks I knew I had to paste it here...

...And then they went on to tell her that some nice people in town were arranging for her to get into a children's home.

"I already have a place in a children's home," said PIppi.

"What?" asked one of the policemen. "Has it been arranged already then? What children's home?"

"This one," said Pippi haughtily. "I am a child and this is my home: therefore it is a children's home, and I have room enough here, plenty of room."

"Dear child," said the policeman, smiling, "you don't understand. You must get into a real children's home and have someone look after you."

"Is one allowed to bring horses to your children's home?" asked Pippi.

"No, of course not," said the policeman.

"That's what I thought," said Pippi sadly. "Well, what about monkeys?"

"Of course not. You ought to realize that."

"Well then," said Pippi, "you'll have to get kids for your children's home somewhere else. I certainly don't intend to move there."

"But don't you understand that you must go to school?"


"To learn things, of course."

"What sort of things?" asked Pippi.

"All sorts," said the policeman. "Lots of useful things ~ the multiplication tables, for instance."

"I have got along fine without any pluttfikation tables for nine years," said Pippi, "and I guess I'll get along without it from now on, too."

"Yes, but just think how embarrassing it will be for you to be so ignorant. Imagine when you grow up and somebody asks you waht the capital of Portugal is and you can't answer!"

"Oh, I can answer all right," said Pippi. "I'll answer like this: 'If you are so bound and determined to find out what the capital of Portugal is, then, for goodness' sakes, write directly to Portugal and ask.' "

"Yes, but don't you think that you would be sorry not to know it yourself?"

"Oh, probably," said Pippi. "No doubt I should lie awake nights and wonder and wonder, 'What in the world is the capital of Portugal?' But one can't be having fun all the time," she continued...

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