What can I even say on this subject. P has enjoyed this monster side-kick for a year or so now, but it has taken on a fresh poignancy of late. Evolved, if you will.
Whereas the physicality of it all was first and foremost before, BB seems to be a best friend of late. Granted, a tortured Best Friend, but... When something exciting happens, he wants BB to see it. When he gets hurt, he wants BB to ask him about it. They have a special "BB phone" so that they can talk when separated (if Baby Brother is accidentally forgotten at home etc). This is pure preciousness to behold, with P putting his hand up to his ear and melodically saying "Bwing, bwing.... bwing bwing....bwing bwing...." Waiting for Baby Brother to pick up. (The phone has also evolved and can be used to call just about anyone that serves his purpose; Cinderella, Grams, Uncle Seth, Bat Mack)
And he talks through issues with Baby Brother too. Just today he was explaining to BB that Cranky the Crane is a grown up.
P: I want BB to ask where Cranky's mama is.
Me as BB, calling in from the kitchen: Where's Cranky's mama?
P: He's a grown up. She's gone... She left him all alone.... But.. that's ok, cuz he's a grown up.
Then after a few minutes of quiet:
P: I want Baby Brother to ask me if I'll leave mama.
Me as BB: Will you leave mama?
P: No. Not even if I'm a grown up.
(And thus I understand all of the recent commentary about wanting to be a "big kid like Uncle Jace, and drive a car, but not a grown up. Just a big kid.")
And although his truest Joy seems to shine forth when he is viciously tormenting Baby Brother (throwing him in piles of trash as we walk down the street while BB groans at the grossness of it all brings about Peeeeels of laughter) he also seems to be caring, occasionally. As witness the shoulder ride at the circus. And the extreme protection he has for BB amongst his friends. And the fact that when he meets someone he Always tells them his name (his Full name :) and then introduces them to BB (even if they don't ask:) As if leaving him out would just be unthinkable.
As would, apparently, leaving BB out of the bath. After being thrown into the trash and given a tattoo, Phoenix thought Baby Brother needed a bath just as badly as a real boy. But once in the water it was just a tiny turn to torture road. BB became monster stew. P packed him into a "kettle" and set his "timer." After he clucked his tongue and dinged he would lift the lid to see if BB was properly cooked, or if he could still talk. If BB uttered a single syllable, back down the lid would go and more ticking would commence. Eventually, BB was a goner and P gleefully got out of the bath and baked the whole pot overnight in the oven.
So, due to such intense attachment, BB has to morph occasionally to fulfill his roles. P wanted to shoot BB up to the ceiling the other day (BB is afraid of heights.) He reasoned that tying BB to his largest balloon, filling it with air and then letting it zoom around the room with BB still tethered would produce the desired effect. When Baby Brother proved too fluffy to fly, P decided a mini-BB was required. And so we sewed.
The mini-BB is capable of riding in small vehicles too, bringing about Great Joy in our house. He also fits inside of P's new trash truck hopper (purchased off of ebay because P wants to save "old rusty things from the dump. I like old, rusty trucks.") Then there was the paper BB, because P really wanted to cut Baby Brother into tiny pieces one day....
And now, in the last week, is invisible BB. I love this one. Invisible BB is slowly moving Baby Brother more steadily into the realm of independent P, less me.
Invisible BB can get into all sorts of trouble. P's favorite game for IVBB involves an invisible, magical fishing pole. He can hook BB onto this pole, do some fancy (but always duplicated to a T) hand movements and sounds (also specifically duplicated) that reels Baby Brother out to far flung locales. Typically, places that scare BB. Under moving vehicles, the tops of trees, down sewer holes... Then he vrrrrm, zzzzpppppshh and pop! And IVBB is reeled back in. The other day he was alternating between launching IVBB away and reeling him in and BB strayed just too far. So P had to call him on the BB phone. Watching P juggle this invisible phone and invisible fishing rod in a meticulously careful manner (one pocket for one, a hook on his hip for the other, that at one point, apparently got switched around and he had to rejuggle) was hilarious.
Even more hilarious was watching our waitress's face the other day. We had just scooted through a downpour to meet Ethan. Upon arriving, a super sweet waitress started to chat up P. He dramatically pulled out his fishing rod (that for all intents and purposes looks just like a fist) and did lots of swiping, casting motions while zzzzzzippping and shhhhhrrrrriiiiishhhing and clicking and told her that he was fishing for his Baby Brother. She laughed heartily and looked to me for an explanation. But alas, these are the moments that leave a mother speechless:)
Its too quiet to hear, but at the end of the below video, P slows the swing, says, "Are you ready to get out Baby Brother?" and then removes the monster. Apparently, despite the twisted treatment, a little respect is still necessary :)
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