After a long playdate with an overly tired Malek and an overly grabby Phoenix, we landed in the park, alongside hundreds of dragonflies. From afar, they were just a haze of movement. Birds? Bats? Up close they were just beautiful, despite the shoddy pictures. P and I plopped down in the grass below them and watched in amazement. I swear, every time we leave the house there are bountiful biology lessons to be had. He asks millions of questions and forms hypotheses for each answer I lack. Later, we google and revise, or not, if he's really attached to his fabulous fantasy :)
Eventually we saw a homeschooling kid from acrobatics class wander past. He and his mom stopped to chat and snack. The kid was grabby with P's stuff and I figured P'd had about enough "sharing" for the day, so I quietly offered a bike ride down the hill. Nope, he wanted to stay! His acceptance of peers is growing....
After they left we lay in the grass and I rang my dad for his birthday. P snapped his bike helmet on BB and entertained himself by checking the solidity of said helmet. For my entire phone call he slammed Baby Brother's head into the dirt, chuckling.
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