The cool evenings are arriving earlier and earlier up here and P seems impervious to the cold thus far. And he's sooo fascinated by the dark (thanks to all of the children's stories that dub the dark dangerous) that we've been heading out after dinner for bike rides in the park. He likes riding in the Bike Lane with the other evening bikers:) Then we turn off into the woods and take dark trails, him trying to scare BB the whole way. It burns off the last of his energy and allows us time to smell the sweet fall air. He just loves it.
A few night ago our usually vacant path was obstructed by a film set, detouring us through the nearby field. We could have spent the rest of the evening watching the shadows of the trees dance on the dark grass as the crew changed the lighting and the wind blew. Finally, leaving the set behind, we turned up an unlit path through the woods and the juxtaposition of the film set, the deep woods and the Empire State building just across the river made me smile. Up ahead, P was smiling too. I could hear it in his voice as he said "zzzzrrrp! (His invisible fishing pole casting out) Baby Brother? Are you stuck in the tree top? In the dawk???"
Here's a couple of really short clips of him on his new bike. The lighting is awful since its dusk, but you can get the general gist :) I'm going to try and get some in the park this week, where he doesn't have to stop for streets or.... run into curbs... (and yes, he was just fine :)
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