P is steadfastly P, as I've mentioned before. So much so that pretending to be someone else has been quite a stretch for him, despite the natural progression in 3's for role playing. But with the introduction of his pirate patch, costumes have become highly desirable (if short-lived) and he's even developed two alter-ego voices. The primary he uses to pretend talk for his trucks or animals or any time he's uncomfortable being P (usually with store clerks or vague family acquaintances). Its a pinched, forced voice that kinda sounds like a squeezed parakeet - a voice devoid of his usual throatiness. Shopkeepers find it very difficult to understand :) The second is more of a growl, generally featured with the pirate patch or when there's a dinosaur or digger in hand. It is equally difficult to decipher and definitely aids his usual hoarseness (I can practically Hear vocal chords shred through the growls).
But back to the external alter-ego - he was eager to try on his monkey costume at my folk's house. Once on, he was both pleased with himself and slightly uncomfortable. He wanted Grams and Papa to see him, but didn't really want to be a monkey or have it on his body long enough to be on display :) Next came pieces of a fairy costume. He Loved the sparkly wings but was beside himself trying to pretend the get-up didn't itch. Both were very brief forays shed for sublime nekkidness, one P constant :)
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