Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hiking the falls

I felt frisky Thursday and thought, what the fuck, we can make it to the Gorge! P was good to go so...

Ummm, no. We cannot make it to the Gorge (a mere 30 minutes) without Massive Crying. So, so sad. Thank gawd we invited Aunt Alicia. After the screaming and heaving had turned my heart to a mushy mess, she traded me spots so I could squeeze back by an inconsolable Z. Man, that baby Hates the car. Sigh.

But other than *that*...;). it was a blast. We had a little picnic and a nice hike. Z is captivated by waterfalls. P just Loves to hop all around :).

There is a side hike off Horsetail Falls that skips the switchbacks in favor of climbs. This unmaintained trail is Exactly the sort that P adores and after playing beneath the big falls for a bit, he was begging for backcountry. Super Aunt attempted it for a bit, but being remarkably smart and responsible, she wisely chose to wait with her 34 week bump at the bottom :). Being much less sage, I tied Z to my back and followed the pied pipering of my kid's pleas. Its an insane trail and we had to scoot on our bums at some points, but the finish is amazing. You land looking over the falls beside a bubbling, split, smaller fall with moss and beauty dripping everywhere. I'm planning a repeat. With Ethan carrying a big picnic so we can spend the day :). And a walking stick for the slippery spots. Z was spellbound by the beauty of the hike, barely bouncing on my back. P, of course, sent BB over the falls, screaming :)

On the way home, we stopped for the loo and played in a shady river, freezing our toes and tossing rocks (looking up at yet Another gorgeous waterfall.) P played on the fallen log bridges, feeling pretty adept;) Alicia and I had to marvel at how amazing Oregon is. I can't wait to share it with (even more) family next summer!!!

Lots of pics :). Horsetail falls is the one you can go behind/under (there are a few others below) We hiked it last year before Z was born and it took my breath away. Other than that - there's pics of the hike, the view, the falls and, of course, the kids ;)

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