Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weekend update

Seems I pop out a post each weekend these day... P plays with E and I try and go through a hundred emails and blog while Z smiles through her REM cycle. 'slovely ;)

Not much to report this week though... We went to Omsi one day (that's our science museum), Z's first non-infant visit. She Loved it. And P was Sooo sweetly excited to share this museum with her, so excited that she was big enough to run around and play with him:). I forgot my phone and, thus, have no pics :(. Sad story ;). But on an upside, I'm finding I kinda love it when I leave my phone behind....

As much as I adore trying to keep up with loved ones, sometimes it feels so splitting. Responding to a text or checking Instagram right when P starts a story or Z is trying to tickle me. It isn't half bad having a whole me for those two;).

(I'm finding the same to be said about clocks. We haven't hung any(thing!) in the house, leaving only one on the stove. With my phone spending more time on the charger (single focus, single focus:) I'm finding I often have No Clue on my when's. And I kinda like it. We already eat bereft of a normal schedule (hunger and when it works based;) and I'm finding that's extending to everything. (Yes, this, of course, means we are annoyingly privileged. I know.). But it's taken me years to let loose of the idea that lunch and naps have to happen at certain times, so this is fabulously freeing :)

Anyhio, there was a great story-time featuring balloon blowing clowns across the street one morning that thrilled both kids. And lots of crafting and gardening and apple picking and tree climbing and play- grounding and bed tickling this week too. And P spent a day feeling funky and grumpy and then two days later, Z seemed to have caught this "crabby cold.". Of course, I was trying to accomplish a few things that day and the screeching almost-toddler was making my plans laughable, making me, erm, kinda grumpy. So P says to me, "Mama, I think you may have caught my crabby cold too!". Sigh. Perfection, how you elude me.

o! Big news, before I blather much more (don't you hate it when I have totally pointless posts?!). I'm calling the tomato test a total success. I gave it three weeks. She's had a number of reactions during this time, but all to tiny variations (chia seeds, eating out) - the tomatoes don't seem to be a problem. I'm SO happy. We'll work our way through the nightshade family now and test each separately (since Seth is allergic to potatoes and Z certainly Used to have an issue there - better safe than sorry:). Then... Eggs. Egads I'm excited :). Still skipping seeds (all sorts) melons, eggs, most nuts and corn.

Other big news, I'm working on Z's naps, big time. P has been more pointed in his request for Zia-free time, and I notice how much it helps him when this actually happens. So we're trying to get an hour together on the weekends (E takes Z) and I'm trying hard to get her to nap in bed rather than my arms so he has me to himself a little each day....

The first step was working away from bouncing her down for bedtime. I am so exhausted by the end of the day that watching the boys turn in while I wear down the floorboards bouncing this baby.... well, ;).

She wanted Nothing to do with this little experiment. And had made that perfectly clear over the last 11 months. So the first few bedtimes were long and (loud and) full of a frustrated missing-her-bounce baby. But we (lovingly) persevered and she's been peacefully hitting the hay between E and I for the last week :). So. Much. Better.

But she just won't take a solid nap. 20-40 minutes after she crashes, she wakes up. In my arms it's a simple hush and bounce, maybe a little more milk and she resettles. Left in a bed, it's a shrieking, tired baby:(. So I found the old baby monitor and rush in when she rouses. A little bounce and milk and she's making it back to sleep, often for another Hour. Getting an hour to focus on Phoenix is heavenly. She seems nowhere close to night weaning (still wakes every couple hours) but maybe she will at least settle into a solid nap sometime soon...

That's it for my non-newsworthy blog post this weekend :)

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