Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to walk the cat

We've had a pretty mellow two weeks.  I've been sick (twice!) during that time, (after a health-filled pregnancy I had to ask my midwife this week WTF?!  She mentioned that slowing down could be the key at this late point in the party...  d'oh;) but we've still been having fun in the sun.  Just the sun that hits closer to home...

The garden is making us smile.  Except for the weeds that (also) continue to grow with gusto, taunting me and my new inability to bend beyond halfway.  (I think the baby has dropped?  My midwife said this week that her head is waaay low (NOT breech!!! yay!!!) and my waddle has gone comically over the top.)  So, if we ignore the weeds, we're all smiles.  Especially since the tomatoes started turning and the child wanders in during the day, scented of that lovely earthy tomato vine scent, cheeks puffed out with cherry tomatoes, juice spilling down his chin...  P picked this bounty last week and then set it up all pretty for a photo shoot.  Cracks me up.

That's Bob, in the front.  The photo doesn't really show it, but this tomato grew an enormous looking schnoz, perfectly complimented by the toupee-like top greenery and the Phoenix inspired green bean gams.  Unfortunately, I'm guessing Bob will rot before he is eaten...

Our big news right now has to do with the cat.  P has pleaded for a harness since achieving a backyard.  Having had the cat on a harness before, we have been, erm, reluctant.  But finally relented.  The cat and the child couldn't be happier.  While I know most families would let the wild feline wander at will (as proven by the numerous fat cats that frequent our yard and leave behind their kitty presents...), living on a really busy street with a very old but very adventurous kitty seems like a short term solution.  We told P this was an option, if he so desired.  But warned him that this would, in all likelihood, shorten her life.  (After she zoomed out the door one night, unbeknownst to us till bedtime, and I walked the dark with a wailing child  looking for our frisky cat, I was even more assured that we couldn't handle his nightly worry for her safety...)  Long story short, he came up with the idea of a leash and she actually likes it.  Well, she likes that it gets her outside... ;)  And the child loves that he can have his dearest beloved beside him in the yard.

 She chills in her chains in the shade while he burns things...

 Being non-dog, she sometimes required more intense, erm, leash leading.  Especially when her walker isn't very patient.

 Proof positive that "she just adores it, Mama."

After all, how many felines are so doted upon?  And given flower ringed necklaces?

Ethan has been a savior these last two weeks. Being sick so much and this pregnant kinda sucks, and he has really stepped up his already good game.  Dishes, vacuuming, carryout, kid care, you name it, he's conquered it, and all after his 12 hour work days.  P, loving to make and craft and E, not loving this so much, have found a happy medium in origami.  One part brain puzzle, one part creation, they have made some lovely cranes and about a zillion paper airplanes.  I've heard talk of an origami dragon....

We've also been reading a good deal when my throat cooperates.  And sewing.  I started some wool diaper covers from recycled sweaters and after achieving one, the child quickly decided he needed something sewn for him, too ;)  And so it begins ;)))

And, of course, with warm weather but no trips to the pool , the hose and sprinkler have been a godsend (no, we have no water shortage issues here in the Pacific Northwest;).  Here he climbs the porch, attempting to get away from his imaginary attacker.  One lovely thing about being sick and pregnant is that he has very, very low expectations of me, occasionally leaving me the time to just sit and eavesdrop on his imaginings.  Totally one of my favorite parenting past-times and worth every sniffle.

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