Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sick at Six... but with a yard...

I knew from the many moments of coughing and snuffling during the night last night that today might not be the beach day we had originally planned...  Sure enough, he woke up with a wee fever, asking, "I wash my hands, why did I get sick?" :)

And just like that, today sold me on Portland.  In Brooklyn, when he was sick on beautiful days, we always felt a bit trapped inside (even though he wasn't miserable today, as will be obvious from the pics, I'm super adamant about not spreading germs when running warm.  Its often just... well, erm, rude??  I mean, is it really necessary to be out and getting everyone else sick??  Sure, sure, sometimes it is, but typically...  End rant.) .  There, we could see the sun and the warmth and the green, we just couldn't get to it....  Here, things were a bit different...  

A day in the life.  How to be six and sick and happy.

Wake up whenever, move the furniture around to face the fire (even though its not cold...) and cuddle with the cat.

Take some time to smell the collected flowers.

 Do a little light housework. Always more interesting when perched on a washing machine...

But watch out for that curtain...

Decide its time to go outside (because you can.  Because you have a yard).  Maybe catch a bug or two.

Check and see how the spiders are doing with their catching.

Look under all of the stumps for, well, more bugs.

Take a break in the shade on the Sumos (with the bugs) and read a book.

Double check those stumps.  Getting a bit obsessed now.

Realize that the tiny bug box is not appropriate for over 40 pill-bugs and the happy habitat you are trying to arrange.  Search out other options.

Spend time collecting to create the perfect pill-bug habitat in the old fish tank.  Add sphagnum moss for moisture.  Add broken acorns for houses.  Delight when they actually use their houses. 

While the (pissed) cat sits and meows at you.  As you are outside, and she, alas, is not.

Letting the obsession go full throttle now, name your bugs.

Take a break from bug collecting (you've only been doing it for six hours (straight) now) to try flying when the neighbors (pre-warned about head warmness and boogers) come over to play.

Take turns until dinner.  Then go back to bug collecting till bath.  

Finally give up the ghost and go to bed.  Tell mother, as you drift off, that you can still feel the sensation of rollie pollies crawling on your hands...


A said...

i wanna have that kind of sick day!!! hope p is feeling better!

Dina said...

Hope P is feeling better. Looked like a fun day! L also creates habitats for pill bugs & says he can feel them in his hand when no longer there.