Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sundays in the Park

Our day last Sunday. Oh that every child in the world would have such awesome Aunts and Uncles!!!

There were the water guns (which, quite honestly, the adults really enjoyed ;)

Then there were the chasing games. Everybody took turns chasing the child. (How many grown-ups does it take to keep up with a five year old??)

There were brief snacks and the unveiling of the Little Man's "Uncle Seth sunglasses." This is P's picture pose - with a fresh water gun drip (just makes a Mama proud, no? ;)

There was more chasing, and Papa was P's occasional invisibility shield.

And, last but not least, there had to be boy tossing. Replete with "one more time"'s. Everyone took turns here too - the Little Man made it a challenge (he has the Schultz boys pegged): who can toss the child the highest. I'm only posting one toss pic tonight, but the kid's face in some of them crack me up. There is no doubt he trusts his Uncles implicitly - proven by the look on his carefree mug while flying through the air.

My advice to everyone out there: be the eldest(ish) in a large family and have really fantabulous younger siblings. This will bring your child great joy :)


Scene said...

I like your last photo..=) nice snap.

Jac said...
