Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Craftsman

The Little Man took a nice long break from making things. Then wham! He's back at it again. There were a number of birthdays this month, and the child took it upon himself to make everyone Totoro dolls. He drew out the design, stuffed and sewed. But after doing the first doll's eyes, his sense of perfection (a constant cross for him to bear, but seen nowhere more obviously than when he is creating. He has such high hopes and expectations and isn't pleased when his newly blossoming abilities fall short. There's no tantrums or tears, typically just a "Horrid. Just Horrid!!!" and then a re-do, and a re-do, and another re-do....) was wounded and he requested I do the next doll's eyes. I didn't get pics of his first few dolls he did himself, but here's the last one. It was a little extra special, wearing the number "6" on its back, (his friend's new age :) and feet (I did those.) The only problem with making these is as soon as he's done and given one away... he wants me to make another one for him! And, thus, our collection keeps growing, and growing...

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