Friday, April 9, 2010

Aunt A on a Friday

Falling a little behind here... A week ago the fabulous Aunt Alicia joined us on a Friday adventure. The Little Man was so happy to have her for the afternoon...

The day was so sunny it begged for a bridge, we chose the Williamsburg. Both the pickle shop (mysteriously closed) and the donut shop (mysteriously packed) en route were a bust, but the kid handled the disappointments pretty well (after emphatically sticking an angry tongue out at the donut window ;)

P hitched a ride over the bridge, ski style, just like the week before. Only this week, A was his motor :) The descent, of course, is a different story altogether. He adores the down side of the Williamsburg bridge - its bumpy and steep and he thinks its hilarious to go frighteningly fast until his hands jiggle.

We spent forever chipping at rocks by the river.

Then we scooted to another riverside park, where P and I explored the edges while squashing strange sea plants. He found the popping sound quite satisfactory.

Of course, we had to collect shells, rocks, sea plants and rusty railroad ties. His bag was mysteriously heavy by the time we moved on to the next park.... Where we played hacky sack (unsatisfactorily) and then keep-the-ball-away-from-the-kid-in-the-middle (with lots of laughter.) It was a lovely afternoon, and P described how much he loves Aunt Alicia alllll during dinner after her departure. It was a whole lotta love ;)

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