Saturday, October 3, 2009

Frisbee flinging, blanket hanging, sunny fun day...

(One of P's favorite activities Ever: spinning. When I went through my pics from this day, I noticed a group in the corner of one shot, hands to mouths, fingers pointing, appalled at the spinning child. Hehe.)

(Aren't they precious?)

Our advertising campaign (the one we're brainwashing Uncle Ian with) would not have been compete without a trip to Prospect Park, our backyard. So we frolicked for the afternoon in the meadow, doing park sorta stuff :)

P, always compelled to collect, found a plethora of beer bottle tops under a tree and set to work unearthing as many as possible. His sweet family helped him do the dirty work. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to do with these, but they have been thrice washed (yah, they're still kinda gross) and taking up space in our small abode ever since....

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