Friday, October 2, 2009

Central Park Zoo with Fam

Back when the weather was lovely, we spent a day with Seth and Alicia at the zoo in Central Park. ( I think the day was briefly mentioned here when the boy warrior slashed his sweet foot on a broken beer bottle...)

But, pre-bloodshed, we went to the zoo. I always forget how busy the city is before school starts. These cooler days of autumn, P and I (and all other homeschoolers:) own the town until 3 :) Its really fantastic.

But, pre-school starting, we went to the busy zoo. Fortunately, the Little Man is less and less phased by crowds these days and was unbelievably excited to see his Aunt and Uncle. Seth dutifully hopped lily pads, Alicia was a funny bunny. The polar bear pushed his way through the water, rushing past us over and over again, greatly pleasing us. P's sudden request for monkeys made sense when he yanked out Sock Monkey and proudly presented the primate exhibit. Sock Monkey, of course, had to argue about who was real and who was not and what he could and couldn't do, cuz Sock Monkey is just that sort of guy, I guess. But P set him straight (greatly enjoying giving his debate skills a little leg room) and we left the zoo quite happy all around :)

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