Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Brooklyn Bee

P, playing with his lips, watching the buzzing bee's atop the brownstone.

P loves honey. He finds bees and everything honey based endlessly fascinating. On his travel board (his wish list of places to visit), Ethiopia is featured prominently, as a small town there is rumored to have the best honey in the world:)

He's been asking for months to find a honey hive, and, apparently, so had some other kids. So a homeschool trip to a local honeymaker was arranged and a month ago we found ourselves setting in the living room of John, the local honey guy.

John, talking about the queen bee:

P and I had read bee books galore in preparation for the big day. The slideshow John presented was, therefore, less than captivating for P, but as soon as we walked to the bees, the boy was all business. The Brooklyn Bee had a display hive in his kitchen, a honey spinner the kids gave a whirl upstairs, and real hives above his house. The juxtaposition of sky scrapers and honey hives atop the brownstone was a hoot for this Kansan. P, ever the real local, took his roof hopping expedition in stride :)

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