Sunday, May 13, 2012


Oh, the trickiness of this move! Made near impossible by the crawling baby who sucks and grabs Everything. There has been no baby-proof space for her the last two days, and this has frustrated her. She doesn't want to be strapped to my body in the heat all day long! And I'm totally freaking about the lead issue here, until we can get all of this dust cleaned up. I can practically hear her blood being poisoned every time she gets to the floor and licks something...

P, other than being entirely too excited to sleep, is crazy happy to Finally be moving :). Less happy to have to spend so much time at the old house packing up the pieces and cleaning ;).

E is being Superman (of course;). Hauling ass (and boxes) up and down all of the stairs. Zia is in the serious separation anxiety stage, so she will have very little to do with E (except from my arms. In which case, she won't stop making eyes at him:). Packing and cleaning with her strapped to my front (she's rebelling against a back carry right now) is challenging, so E tried to coax a few minutes from her by going outdoors. Of course, it is suddenly summer. And the umbrellas are packed. When I saw him with her out the back window, I fell in love all over again.

E and Z out back. Z sucking (on lead lined - sigh) toes. P, playing peek-a-boo.

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