Saturday, May 5, 2012

Food n stuff

Just some quick musings while she sleeps on a Saturday (our last in the old house... I should be a packing maniac, but, well, she's so cuddly and will just wake up if I put her down... ;) I'm feeling like I'm not getting good face shots of Little Z, but she's in constant motion and they are usually all blurred :)  But there's the two front teeth!  Yah, yah.  Real cute until they chomp you...

This girl is a force to be reckoned with, I swear.  She's clapping her hands and rolling them, patty-cake style.  She understands so many words its amazing.  I'd forgotten how awe inspiring this period is.  She grabbed P's rolly rider cow at the new house (video to be coming) and started walking all over the place.  Just lightly holding on with one little hand.  La Ti Da.  P was So Impressed.  I felt the need to remind her that she is but 7 months old and my very last lovin babe and she is more than welcome to Slow The Eff Down.  The silly boys suggested we bring Cow back here (we're not at the new house for much of the day - its cold and dirty still and there's nothing to sit on!).  Give the girl extra practice.  No Way.  Do that and she'll be walking before the end of the month.  Sigh.  How can anything that smells this sweet be in such a Big Hurry!

She had a well baby check-up this week.  She is well ;)  She is also a lightweight little 16 and some pounds but is crazy tall.  Which must be why she can climb the stairs so well ;)  Well baby visits seem a bit like a wasted trip, but its nice to have a good ped around.  I mentioned that she was Super interested in food but I was clueless.  P didn't like food, leaving me like a first time Mama this time around.  Not to mention all of the dietary angst we've had with poor Miss Z's baby belly.  So far, she's been enjoying chunks of banana, pear, apple, carrot, chopped chard and avocado (she reacted to her pickles:().  I was a nervous wreck the first week - P choked on his food until about 14 months, so feeding babies anything but by breast is (historically) a nerve wracking ordeal in my mind.  And, sure, her first couple of weeks chomping had those moments.  Now? forgettaboutit.  I have to remind myself to glance at her while I scarf down my dinner.  She sits happily smearing her's from ear to ear, managing a bit in the mouth.

Anyhoo, the doc said everything I eat is so carefully vetted by now, give her whatever I'm shoveling in.  WoW!  Oh my.  And I've been so busy I haven't blabbed the great news even!  Dairy is a GO for us! I gave it a Three Week window to test. Absolutely No Reaction.  So Cool.  And so are almonds.  Have I mentioned that?  So, as it stands now, we are Egg free (big time, I tried something that just had a Titch of egg in it as a minor ingredient and she had mucus poo and tummy pain - boo), nightshade free and seed free.  I have yet to totally trial soy (but my flirting with it seems to say yes...) and haven't tried corn at all again after the first fail.  But I'm feeling pumped to go there now that she's outgrown the dairy deal.  At any rate, this improvement in digestion certainly bodes well for the future...

So Zia came home and had a pastrami, swiss and sauerkraut sandy.  No Reaction.  And she liked it to boot ;)  This morning she had some of our homemade yogurt.  No Reaction.  And she Loved it.  I love it that this is fun and not so stressful.  And for a girl completely Obsessed with shoving everything under the sun in her mouth, its a real sigh of relief to give her novel items that aren't Legos or D batteries or phthalate ridden China plastics...

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