Saturday, December 17, 2011

Zia: her 2nd month

Either I do this now, a couple days early or.... who knows when!

I absolutely can't believe her newborn phase will be over in two days.  Except for that month that we didn't know about the food issues (those few weeks seemed to have no beginning or end;) this period has absolutely flown.  Too fast.  Ethan and I are savoring every single tiny squiggly snuggle.  And while I'm excited to see her personality emerging and meet the little girl she is going to be, it makes me a little sad to think of her as not baby.  It sounds silly, I know.  But E agreed.  Its such a sweet period, its impossible to imagine it ending.

And at this rate, it doesn't seem like we have that long left.  She seems hell bent on catching up to her big bro.  She adores her favorite trick (flipping onto her belly) so much she attempts to do it, regardless of location.  Then she raises up as high as she can get and squeals with happiness, surveying the kingdom she was missing while lying flat on her back.  She flaps her arms and legs and does a little belly airplane and then claws at the floor, trying to propel herself along.  When this fails, she rolls belly over back over belly or back to her back and scooches.  I'm seeing baby-proofing in our very near future :(

She is such a different baby than P was (who was awesome in his own way:) that its shocking to me.  He hated to be put down for an instant (Zia loves a little floor time, is totally content to talk at us from the floor and suck on her hand).  Hated his diaper changes (she LOVES her diaper changes.  LOVES).  Rarely ever smiled (Zia has the most responsive social smile - it makes me smile just thinking about it). Strangers used the words "serious," "intense," and "old soul," for him and his long stares.  Zia smiles and coos and looks everywhere and gets "alert," "sweet!" and "sooo sweet."

And she really is.  (Actually, she was crazy "alert" from the get-go.  It seems to just be her personality type - to look and look.  The night she was born, after her head made its entrance but her shoulders were awaiting the next contraction, her eyes were already open and I could feel her head turning, back and forth, round and round like a little owlet.  She was already looking around our room, scoping out her new life. ( Which I get, because I find ridiculous amounts of joy in just. looking.  Shadows, shapes, curves, patterns, contrasts.  I think its half the reason I'm an artist.)   I feel so bad that we didn't figure out P's triggers at this age, because its amazing to see what a difference it can make in a baby.  Poor kid was too miserable to be labeled sweet :)

But Zia isn't miserable (anymore).  She's laughing.  Typically, at her brother.  He yucks it up, bouncing off of the walls, making funny faces, and she just laughs and laughs.  I make snorting noises when I kiss her neck and she just giggles.  But, her giggles aren't really baby peals as much as old lady smoker guffaws.  Its kinda funny.

And speaking of her voice, she uses it all. of. the. time.  Yah, she coos and goes "gah" and stuff and sometimes E positively melts.  But I really love seeing her try and "talk" rather than just cry.  Its way fun after her rough beginning that she goes days without crying.  She just gives us warning fusses.  Like, "hey, I'm getting pissed here... just warnin'"  And if she is on the floor and starts to get agitated and I'm caught without my wrap on (a rarity, but it happens when I change in and out of my pajamas ;), all I have to do is walk up to her and say, "You want in the wrap, Zia?" and wave that green fabric over her and she stops fussing and smiles and waits patiently while I wrap myself up for her.  When I realized how well she understood things a couple of weeks ago, I started asking her, "milk?  You need some milk?" when she fussed and I thought she might be hungry.  Within two days she would quiet when I said this if she was actually hungry.  She's nowhere near to having the physical control to sign yet (unfortunately!) but this is a real help in trouble shooting since she is also nowhere near a scheduled feeder :)

And speaking of food.  We've added a few foods in the last month: green beans, pumpkin seeds, beef, and cranberries.  And this week I added (drum roll): eggs.  Big, Big deal here.  She did seem to get a little face rash, but that was it, so I think eggs in stuff should be fine and she'll be good with them soon enough.  Yams, potatoes, tomatoes, apricots and salmon didn't work as well and the vote is still out on kale.  But onward and upward :)  If I can just be patient enough to wait 4 days for each new food.  This whole ordeal is so good for my self-control.  And probably for my health too.  I'm able to go on tiny bits of sleep, busy all day without sitting down or taking any breaks and I still feel great.  Hell, I've even grown to love millet.  And found that amaranth popped is a nice snack.  And that mustard makes everything better.  And an apple tastes (after being totally sugar free for over two months) unbelievably sweet for dessert.  I really only yearn for the ease of eating out occasionally.  And maybe a little more variety ;)

Last three month detail - per usual for babies this age, she is staying awake a Lot longer during the day.  And she's starting to nap in at least semi-consistent times.  Give or take a couple of hours ;) but getting an at least general schedule down.  Two short naps in the morning and one longer one in the afternoon, followed by a dinnertime cat-nap and then to bed sometime between 8 and 11.  So, obviously not a reeeeal solid routine, but its getting there :)

Little woodland napper on a walk.

My only complaint is her nighttime gas.  Holy gosh.  The kid is so tooty halfway through the night that she thrashes to beat the band.  Scratches herself, wakes me every five minutes.  I don't' know what's causing it or what would help her.  If anyone reading this has ANY suggestion, please comment with the cure...

But bottom line: this age is awesome.  All consuming and adorable and absolutely wonderful.

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