Sunday, May 1, 2011


As I walked up our block the other day, P called to me, "Mama, look!  I'm a mushroom!"  Kids are awesome :)

Moving with kids, maybe not so much ;)  Nah, its a great adventure.  I just hope it isn't too tough on the Little Man.  E and I have moved about a billion times before, each time realizing we didn't start packing quite early enough in the game...  So I swore to do better this time.  Especially since I didn't want to spend more than just a titch of time on it each day, so that the child's world wouldn't be too upended.  So I started crazy early.  Like, a month ago crazy.  With the stuff that, you know, you would give away, were it not for the six year old collector that just couldn't bear it...  But slowly, I started grabbing the "good" stuff, to fill a hole in a box, stuff we don't use often...  And then, of course, the child would all of a sudden need that object.  Desperately.

But as of this weekend, we're definitely living amongst boxes.  Something I'd tried to relegate to our one of two closets and behind doorways.  Now we're at the bare lightbulbs and boxes in each corner stage.  And when the child walked in Saturday evening, after playing out and about with E so that I could really pack, he looked about the space (that is usually mood lit with lamps but was now shining under the glare of the overhead) and said, "Wow, this place is really starting to look like a crapper."

Hahahahahahahaha!  I didn't even realize he knew the phrase "look like a crapper."

And I don't know if its seasonal allergies, growth spurt, normal developmental craziness or... watching his life get packed into cardboard, but the child has been having a rough time of it of late.  Transitions are hell.  Listening to other's needs is a laughable affair.  "Bedtime" suddenly got dicey.  Leaving the house, well, hah.  So the last week has been, erm, interesting.  (I've shed tears.)

But on an upward note, P felt the baby kick his hand and he was beyond delighted. (I was surprised tonight to see my stomach bump out with a tiny body part punches, three big bumps.  Despite my quickly growing girth, I am still having trouble trusting that we're actually gonna get another kid out of this whole deal, making visual proof a lot harder to explain away as "could be gas" ;)  Cuz gas often gets the hiccups....)  Now that the child has physical proof (above and beyond the big belly), he is pleased to put his little mouth to my middle and sing, um, loudly, to try and wake the baby for more bumps.  Part ornery, part excitement :)

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