Sunday, May 29, 2011

The mountains...

The settling in process has been so stellar so far.  The child, out of sorts for the last month of NYC living (understandably, the vortex or enormous transition was imminently swirling before him...) has been his most peaceful self since arrival.  Transitions are easier, worries are near none, bedtime is peaceful, food is suddenly scrumptious again.  The list is endless really.  But, bottom line, its good to be on the other side of the hurdle and see that the kid, though rough around the edges during the change, seems to have arrived on the other side, unscathed.  Happier, even.  Ok.  Ecstatic on a lot of days ;)

Like the days his Grandfather stayed with us.  We took to the trails to see the sites - almost immediately upon arriving.  (We have continued this approach since then, thus leaving lots of neglected boxes and piles all about our new abode...  This, of course, can be a bit difficult for my personality (especially combined with this "nesting" business...), but I really want the transition to be fabulous for the kid.  Filled with memories of fun and adventure, not afternoons of ignored un-boxing and organizing.  Plus, we're just really excited to explore all of the newness :)))

Newness like hiking.  At our fingertips!  No schlep to Grand Station, a train ride and a highway hike.  Just a short jaunt and BAM.  Beauty.  We are seriously falling for the Pacific Northwest.  Its just damn pretty.  And sooooo accessible!

Just a titch away from our house.... a sweet little walk...

featuring the local slugs of titanic proportions...

ending in the crisp spray of an awesome waterfall (the pic only shows the tail bit of it!)

Of course, the child wasn't interested in just staying on the trail...

which landed us by a sweet little cave...

A mama-luv pic.  I think he is delicious. 

Then, we hopped in the car and took a little jaunt up a mountain.  Granted, since we were driving up a mountain, this took a bit longer to reach than the waterfall.  But we were so wowed by the fact that we could drive up a mountain, right from our house, that we almost peed ourselves.  Just seeing the huge, snowy peak (over 11,000 feet!) peering through the clouds is wild for those of us that hark from the flat plains :)

P, having been teased by his Grandfather, chases him up the mountain :)

A mountain river + rocks = childhood bliss.

Dude.  I don't know how his feet didn't just fall off.

Add a little balancing act, and the kid could just live there.

Disgusted that we had to head home (it was getting pretty chilly as it grew late, being a mountaintop in early spring and all:), the kid is excited to return to the volcano for more river-rock time.  But first, we had to go to the beach.... (And yes, I get a big 'ol dorky buzz saying "volcano," "mountain" and "beach" all in the same paragraph.  Hey, I come from the midwest, we've got tornadoes and.... well, we've got tornadoes.)

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