Friday, April 15, 2011

New York Botanical Gardens Train Show

This is still catch up, bear with me ;)

On one of the coldest days this winter, P and I (finally) ventured to the Train Show at the New York Botanical Gardens.  To avoid a frostbitten schlep from the sub stop, we took the big train north from Grand Central (and hit the little train show there, too.)  So the day was, officially, full of trains :)  

We'd heard it was beyond amazing.  We'd also heard it was beyond crowded in the afternoon and on weekends, so we had to go on the rare day the child was willing to leave the house before 2pm...  It paid off.  It was pretty empty and we lingered there for hours.

 After watching me snap pics during the first hour, the child decided to document his opinions and took over the camera for a bit.  I love watching his concentration and seeing what he is drawn to.
 The kid was seriously impressed.  So was I.  Everything used for construction came from natural materials.  It looked amazing and smelled divine.  And it was a shocking departure from the freezing outdoors :)

 He spent long hours, patiently waiting for trains to come through areas he particularly enjoyed.

 The trains even went over the raised bridges.

 P claimed this house as his favorite.  He knelt in front of it for forever, imagining we (and BB) were very small and lived there.  We jumped on the train that passed its front door.  We played on the rooftops.  The scenarios were long and lovely.

New York landmarks in bark.

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