Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I like to stay on top of things.  Because once things start to slide... I start to get overwhelmed with the growing size of the issue and.... let it slide some more ;)  (This sums up the story of my life in college :))  Nowadays, I just try to stay on top.  Looking at my photo cache, reaching back to LAST Summer, I realize the "avoid" cycle is starting here on the blog...  So I'm just jumping in.  Gonna post pics and worry about details later.  Get my desktop clean and get back on top before the move and the baby back me up again....

Kansas Summer, on the banks of the creek (aka "crick" in Kansas:)

P's adoration for his Aunt runs very high and he was more than happy to show off for her in the pool...

The box house, from Cash and Maria, brought endless, endless hours of happiness to the child.

As did exploring the property...

And driving, at a very young age...

The fossil hunting on the rock wall is Out Of Sight.  We found some amazing fossils (shark's tooth in Kansas, anyone?) and painstakingly carved them out with, erm, precision...

P loves fishing with his Grandaddy (now that he's forsaken his vegetarian ways;)

We're going to miss Kansas this summer, busy moving cross country, settling in and having a baby and all.  It will be weird to not smell those grasses at all this year....  But, knowing Kansas' crazy weather, it'll still be green when we visit in November ;)

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