Wednesday, July 7, 2010

When the cousins came

My Aunt, Uncle and their three grandchildren (aka, P's cousins)

Technically, they may not be cousins.  My cousin's kids would be P's...?  Well, whatever they are, we're calling them the cousins, since P's only official cousins are all... college age.  You'd think with 11 grown children between the two families the child would have someone chronologically close....  but no.  The fate's have stacked his hand full of adults.

P's played with these cousins in Kansas and adores them.   For months he knew of their impending visit and requested weekly countdowns.  Once they arrived, his excitement almost veered towards insanity.  Honestly, the kid does play with other kids all the time.  He just really likes family :)

I overviewed their whirlwind itinerary last weekend, so I'll seriously summarize here:  P was pleasantly enamored the first day, psychotically excited and overwound the second and heading back towards normalcy (or his usual approximation there of;) again on the third day.  The cousins were sweet and accepting and patient and fun and, basically, just wonderful.   P had a blast and did his darndest to make sure the cousins did too (giving them constant attention and endless chances to wrestle being his darndest - oh and showing them his city, too ;)  Some highlights:

Rock hunting (of course) in Dumbo

Atop the Brooklyn Bridge (and full of adoration)

Erm, "helping" Caleb at Coney Island.

"Assisting" Andrew on the Staten Island Ferry

Keeping Lizzie cool in Central Park.

Central Park fun

The Central Park Carousel

Too hungry to break for the picture - eating parmesan in Central Park

His cousins sweetly shared his fascination with chiseling crystals.

And his death defying love of climbing.

Last stop: public art.  

1 comment:

Scene said...

wow...have fun place seldom got public art..