Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The non sleep-over getaway

I'm behind!! We've had great fun in the park with family and friends - and I want to stick some shots and stories on here.... but not till next week. The little man and I are spending our first weekend apart starting Friday and there have been preparations aplenty :) More on everything next week after the big event has passed...

Until then, pics of the little man's traveling companions. Papa, who has risen to the occasion with exceptionally well honed playing skills, despite his very few moments at home of late, and Sock Monkey, who has become E's alter ego as BB is mine. Armed with a new sleeping bag and plans for his amazing Aunt and Uncle to join him, P will venture off for three nights of fun on Fire Island. Though excited, P refuses to call it a "sleep-over" since he says he will not sleep without me. To say that I am nervous is a grand understatement :)

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