Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Morning chats

P often works through his deep thoughts first thing in the morning. He'll crawl to the clock and chirp "there's a "7" Mama!... Are you still tired?" And then after snuggling in for a few he starts asking questions (and continues asking questions for another 13 hours...) Lately he's been quite interested in the idea of Ethan not working. He's kinda wedded to the idea, actually. If I need to shower or make us breakfast, P pipes in with how lovely it would be for Papa to be around - for when I'm busy :) (As long, of course, as E and I don't actually try to Talk or anything. The other day, after focusing an enormous amount of loving energy on P for many hours, I turned my attention to ask E a question. After about two minutes of such nonsense, P started singing as loud as humanly possible and jumping between E and I. I validated his need for attention and promised to be quick. Quickest, in fact, if I could hear the conversation :) So P wandered off to poop. When he called me in to help him wipe he told me he had "a solution, Mama. I need your company. I Always need your company. So, why doesn't Papa get his own house and he can stay there. And I can have your company and then when we want to see Papa we can go to his house and ring the doorbell....") In other words, as long as E is here to do P's bidding, he is welcome...

So as we cuddled to meet the day, P launched into his wonders:
P: Mama, why does Papa have to work? (A subject we've covered numerous times before, but apparently not to P's completion)
Me: To make money for the things we have to pay for. Like our home and our food.
P: And our freedom?
Me: Um, no, our freedom, uh, we don't have to pay for that (I'm still working on editing out philosophical nuances to such loaded questions :)
P: Our clothes?
Me: Yup. We pay money for our clothes.
P: But once we pay for the clothes we don't have to pay anymore. Just that one time, right?
Me: Yes. Just once.
P: What about our soul?
Me: What do you mean?
P: Do we have to pay for our souls?

Four year olds deal with deep shit, man :) And they start right when the clock says 7!

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