After P's appointment with the opthamologist, he was set for an adventure and already positioned on the Upper West Side. This all coincided with the most lovely weather we've had this winter, so he chose rock climbing and exploring in Central Park and off we scooted. As we veered around a bend, P looked up and saw Belvedere Castle. He just knew this was a new, exciting castle to explore and wondered how, oh How, could we get to it (we were far below on a separate path)? Just ahead was a towering tunnel, burrowed right into the rock. He gleefully explained the situation to BB and then crept forward as if nearing a troll's cave. Once in the tunnel, he put on his best perplexed look, (see hand on hip and attempted scowl) and postulated how such a space could be created:
The tunnel led us to a stairway that looked menacing to P. He was sure safe passage through this dark space would lead us to the castle, but wasn't positive it was worth the scary possibilities he envisioned in his head (an enormous iron gate in the rock wall, locked with an amazing padlock, hadn't help quell his theory that we were somewhere Ominous).
After achieving castledom, P was ready to skip on to the next adventure. We headed through the Ramble, where he was thrilled with the rock climbing possibilities. He scaled an unusually large boulder, over and over, channelling Uncle Ian, using different techniques each time.
Then he discovered the far side of the rock made a perfect personal slide and scaled and slid, over and over:
Onward he explored and found an even taller rock to master. First he climbed a tree to get a good start and bouldered the rest of the way up. Then he shimmied down to try another route and practically had a spiritual experience when he found huge, rappel like roots to aid his ascent (see enormous smile that could not be contained):
This activity went on for ages. We merrily moved from one rock outcropping to another, P's esteem sailing as he scaled scary heights and towered over the world below. It was just what a kid who had lost all autonomy to a metal speck needed.
Finally finished with the rocks, he requested we head to his favorite playground. We meandered that direction, enjoying the warmth and the sights:
P was unusually at peace on the playground. He played independently quite a bit, just reveling in the feeling of the sand. And, just in case the climbing quotient wasn't filled for the day, he hung out on the red ropes trying tricks, giving the nannies heart-attacks :)
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