Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Archeologist in Training

P has always eschewed any future professions in favor of the now. But I realize that’s only half his issue. There’s that And his need to make sure that whatever he does later in life includes me:) He did think being an astronaut/space explorer sounded pretty good a while ago, but relinquished that dream immediately when he found out I was too old to enter astronaut training...

Last week Malek showed us some squirrel bones in the park and P’s curiosity was ignited. The child LOVES bones. Unprepared to collect a skeleton that afternoon, P and I later researched bone cleaning and prepared a plan to safely excavate said bones. He figures we should take them to the Natural History Museum, but would really rather keep them with his snail shells…

So as we schemed our dig and purchased hydrogen peroxide, he said maybe he’d like to be an archeologists when he grows up. What did I think? Oh, yes, P, very exciting. But Mama, could you be an archeologist too? Honestly, I will never be this loved again….

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