One of the best things about living with a three year old is constantly seeing the world anew (running through a dust cloud or a puddle is experiencing perfection - how cool is that?). Also cool is being the center of said shiny world. God himself could tell Phoenix that squirrels have sharp teeth and P would merely turn to me and say, "Squirrels have sharp teeth, mama?" While occasionally exhausting, especially since I know so very little, I try to enjoy every moment of his trust since he will soon think he knows much, Much more than me. My days of (pretend) omniscience are sadly limited.
Today, Phoenix told Baby Brother he isn't going to get married when he grows up (his Uncle Seth is recently engaged). He said he's going to marry Mama and Papa. Awww, center of the universe warm fuzzies. Shortly following this chat was a "world anew" announcement: "Mama! You can also use boogers as lotion!?!" My eyebrows must have let on that this was questionable information and his tone changed ever so slightly. "Mama? You can use boogers as lotion? (Then he felt a little more sure of himself, those limited days of trust rearing their head already) Really! You can! Boogers as lotion!"
P played with the camera today, most of his pictures are of Baby Brother. I snapped a couple of him hamming it up and then one of his Dr. Seuss looking castle creations that should, technically, fall instantly, but don't. We also had a fun outing to Whole Foods for some airplane snacks. Their Gorgeous candy display has P foaming at the mouth every visit. We're reading "The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe" and noticed they had real Turkish Delight for sale. P was So excited. After noshing on our treats we tried the playground next door but the kid was just too cold. Then he actually fell asleep, sitting up, on the subway home. Carrying groceries And a sleeping three year old (who had promised to walk) all the way home may not be one of the best things about living with a three year old. But the utter trust that I'll take care of him regardless of the groceries sure is :)
I love those pics!
great picture! and living with thirty something mothers can be a challenge too...take it from me!
the top pic is one of my favorites. definitely one of the most precious pics ever. it is currently my backround, and it will be for quite some time :)
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