P's warmth filled days have been tainted by his grumpiness. Transitions are notoriously difficult for him and New York to Florida is a pretty big transition. "I'm Grumpy!!!" he growled to me numerous times yesterday while barking commands and snarling preferences. I woke up this morning determined to smother him in love and acceptance and by afternoon he was finally finding a little balance and seemed less surly.
He also found the pool. P Loveslovesloves water (despite his reticence to bath). The heater hadn't quite kicked in (I declined the invite to dive in) but P greatly enjoyed splashing about the "sun shelf" (a brilliantly devised 6 inch deep section.) Then he accidentally dropped Baby Brother in the pool. His initial look of horror almost instantly turned to twisted satisfaction as he mock screamed for me to Saaaave Baby Brother! Thus our afternoon was set. BB was repeatedly tossed into the deep end (amidst his screams of dissent) so Phoenix could shriek about alligators and drownings. Then we'd rush to BB's rescue, only to immediately toss him in again. Thank gawd the thing floats. And is color fast. And is apparently well stitched.
He eventually ended up with chattery teeth and rushed to a warm bath (with BB). He lovingly poured warm water over BB, asking him if it felt nice and warm. Then he filled a floating box up and sang Happy Birthday to BB. Possibly making amends? If so, his guilt ended quickly. He chuckled with gusto as he put on a mask and bee balls to scare Baby Brother out of his monster suit. Well stitched, important. Not actually human, essential.
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