After spending the morning in Phoenix's Dinoworld (his word) we headed to playgroop for the afternoon. It was warm enough for some ball play in the backyard followed by some legos indoors. Every time we go I'm struck by how wonderful these kids and mamas are and how lucky we are to be a part of this group. On the trip home, Phoenix enjoyed stomping in as many puddles as possible. When we reached the front door, he announced he was Not saturated and needed More puddles. We quickly stirred the crock-pot, grabbed his puddle jumpers and headed to the park. There's a lovely spot there that will Not drain, just outside the playground, our permanent puddle destination. Having just bathed Baby Brother last night, I left him at home, assuming this outing might ruin my hard work. But I miscalculated how attached P is to speaking with BB. As he happily splished and splashed he told me to make BB speak, from home. He pretended to call BB up on BB's cell phone so they could chat about his puddle :)
Once we were cold and wet, we headed home in the dark, hopefully not contracting pneumonia. P headed to the bathroom with Baby Brother while E and I ate our warm soup, . Minutes later he requested our audience, sounding quite pleased with himself. I walked in to find Baby Brother covered in foaming soap, puffy from being so water logged, and Phoenix proudly announcing he was giving BB another bath. I think we better buy a back-up Baby Brother at this rate. Something about "surface wash" doesn't rhyme with "nightly scrub."
what a gorgeous hoodie you're wearing, phoenix?! i hope it kept you warm...
p.s. i had a lot of fun in the drizzly back yard with you!
Hark! Did I hear the words "baby
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