After my eye doctor check-up ( its healing well ) I figured we'd give the Metropolitan Museum of Art's "Start with Art" program a whirl. I was quite keen on seeing some art so we schlepped uptown to the big white steps. When we arrived Phoenix announced that he no longer wanted to hear a lady tell stories about paintings. I told him some of his pals would be there - still no go. I offered to be the lady, to tell him stories. This he liked, so in we went.
The stroller entrance started his tour off in a totally different direction than I had imagined. We emptied into ancient Egyptian art and wandered past the large sculptures (whose paintless eyes had P asking "Why they sleeping? Why their eyes closed?"). It didn't really spark his interest though until I explained the purpose of the sarcophagus and described some of the baby toy artifacts. He was riveted. It was adorable. It never would have occurred to me that Death would be his entry into the art world, but with his fascination I should have known... (Quick note: He's mentioned sarcophagi twice since Thursday and hearing him mangle the word is hilarious.)
In a short time he was ready for something new and we went through the Rembrandt exhibit at a fairly fast pace. (It was sadly reminiscent of Ethan and the Louvre.) A few paintings caught his attention though (particularly a squirrel with a plum - he Loves plums) and if I stopped and chatted about a piece he was really engaged. Then I introduced him to Carravagio and Gentileschi et al. It thrilled me that he was seeing these, really looking at them. He may have been ever so slightly less thrilled than I, but he was enjoying it, I swear. Then we stumbled upon the Start with Art group and P was finally Truly thrilled. The twins, Dez and Nini, were there and so was Benny. We listened to the next art talk (that lasted about 2 minutes longer than P's interest) and then wandered off. In the next room, Phoenix noticed a large battle painting and was captivated. He wanted to know why the people were dead, how they died, who killed them, why they would fight, what was a war, butbutbut who, Who Killed them??? The concept that one man would kill another On Purpose (rather than by traumatic car accident) completely confused him. As I stammered and hemmed the other kids rushed by and we all headed down to play in the park. Whew.
We never made it to the playground though, the empty fountain in the plaza was playground enough for this gang. I don't know if it was the racetrack shape, the walls to climb on or the well placed puddles, but the kids had a blast getting wet, running, driving cars and eating cookies for a couple of hours. When it was time to meet E for dinner P didn't want to leave unless his friends were leaving. Perhaps his small circle is expanding after all :)
Sounds like a really fun day. Wish I could have been there. Tell Phoenix that Uncle Seth says HI :p
i had so much fun playing trucks with phoenix. i'm hoping we
...i'm hoping we get to play again tomorrow (oops i pressed the button too soon)
Love the pictures. We missed you two today! Thanks to the rain, we had to make the basement cafeteria our post-art playground. The other patrons were not amused.
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