Monday P played in his bean bin. Sometimes this goes swimmingly, sometimes it gets messy. Yesterday was messy. It never ceases to amaze me how he can scatter dried beans from one end of the playroom to the other in the time it takes me to retrieve the laundry from the dryer. We are obviously working with different elements of time :) The old picture, above, is from a different day, a non messy day, if this gives you any idea.
So after he was finished being the wind or whatever I started to clean. Sometimes he jumps right in to help, sometimes he doesn't. Yesterday, he didn't. He wandered around opening his drawers looking for something. He gathered his keys and his phone and told me Uncle Seth was on it. I asked him to take a message and I'd call him back after the beans were in the bin. He did so. Then he asked me to help him find his wallet. I looked and didn't see it and went back to picking up beans. He kept looking, saying he really needed his wallet, he was going on a sub and needed his sub card. A couple of minutes later he said "Oh well. Sorry, mama. I can't play with you [clean]. I'm going bye bye to meet Uncle Seth for a beer."
How AWESOME!!!! I can't wait until that story is a reality... gonna be a couple decades, but its gonna happen! Thanks P, I could have used a nice cold one today. That story just made my entire week. Cheers!
that's the greatest thing ever (well, besides the mess)!!
get yer butt up here, Ian, and he'll go for imaginary beers with you too!!!
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