We took a down day today. Striking the right balance between going and staying seems to be particularly important to P. If we hit it just right he breezes out the door and will come home without too much strife. If we are gone too much it is hell to impossible to leave. If we're home too much he tends to kick the cat and other such novelties.
P loves projects of different sorts. Today we decided to build a special Phoenix sized house. He's seen the oh so pretty pastel-plastic varieties in backyards and playspaces and adores the idea of having his own house. I can't count how many times we've added it to his "list" (maybe just a few less entries than "backhoe tractor.")
Given plastic's inability to ever leave the planet, I'm a big fan of wood, metal and fabric anything. If its old and had a past life that included something industrial, chances are I want it in my home. E teases me about my dumpster diving ways, but I prefer to call it the dedicated recycling of a cheapscate. So P's house was constructed out of extra metal shelving and finished with his old tent fabric, a shelf from the previous tenants, wire ties and a curtian rod we found. Fortunately, P is young enough he doesn't know the difference!
He was intent on putting the shelves together, weilding the poles and using every connector in sight. Once the frame was up his dedication waned and while he really did want a wall and a rooftop, waiting for them (according to the story that he told me this afternoon) was a trial of his patience ;) He busied himself by spreading E's jumbo sized 5 million wire ties all over the playroom and bulldozing them. The rest of the day was spent lolling in his house, pottying inumerable times in his personal bathroom, sliding down his slide repeatedly and pretending to take his wooden railroad back to His house.
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