Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Mechanical Mule

I have about a billion pics of the kids on the John Deere here.  P has always loved this thing, but Z, holy cow, Z is obsessed.  Between the two of them, they can spend the better part of any decent day driving around :)  Phoenix seems to absolutely adore having someone to join him in his little cart after flying solo for so long.

Z quickly had her first car accident.  P popped out of the driver's seat to practice some bow shooting and Z craftily clambered into his spot and accidentally hit the gas.  The little craft zoomed forward and hit my brother's car tire and the baby bounced out, quite surprised ;)  Live and learn... She now stays buckled tight unless she's in my arms or completely away from the machine.

When the battery dies on the little one, we climb into my father's real mechanical mule and putz around the property.  Z asks for a ride Every Day.  Fortunately, since P is teaching himself to drive the machine, he is just as happy to hop on it as she is.  He's getting pretty good and I don't clench my teeth quite as much anymore.

He hugged her allll the way home that day.

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