Friday, December 28, 2012


LOL.  I started this post forever ago.  Oh well.  I'm not finishing it - moving on - just getting it out there...

It's funny.  Typing in that title, for the first time in my life, that word feels true for both where I'm living AND for Kansas, the place I've always "called home."

Anyhoo ;)

We're "home," west coast, rainy, lovely, home.  And as of today, Superman has half day vacays for a few days!  He works the looooongest days (his half days are basically a normal person's regular workday), so this is a Huge treat.  I have a million things we "should" try to get done around the house and have yet to do a damn thing for Christmas (blech).  But I'm pretty sure the boys would like to veg a large percentage of our staycation ;)  Lucky for them, I totally effed up my perineum in the Denver airport (Little Bits suddenly had a speed burst on the moving walkway and I turned and dove to divert disaster) and was easily talked into resting my bod while Z naps.  They are happily ensconced in front of some movie, cuddling.  I give E a total of ten minutes before he's out cold ;)

So, photo round-up of Kansas!

Z, lover of all things furry, thought her grandaddy's trophy's da bomb.  giddy-up;)

Z is also obsessed with shoes.  She wants to try on Everyone's shoes and clomp around in them.  Mom pulled out my first pair of cowboy boots and Z shoved her fat feet in them Every Day.  

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