Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quick Pics

Trying to clean my phone while putting Z down... found a few random pics. As the Little Man has a proclivity for pouring liquids on my laptop (thank gawd for that dehydrator!!!) I like keeping (kinda) up with the pics here, for safety's sake ;)

Yeesh, they're all of Z! more of P next time ;)

There's a couple of her opening her sweet gift from Grandpapa and Mimi, a couple of her sporting P's arrow holder (she slung it over her shoulder like she'd been bow hunting for years). The plastic car was from P's friend's family (they moved away) - Z fell in love with it at at block party. Of course, there's a food shot;) And there's one of Z with her Aunt and Uncle, taken shortly after I realized that they will be ONLY Aunt and Uncle for only a teeny bit longer. It is bittersweet for E and I, thinking about their laps holding more than *our* babies. Personally, I cannot wait to get my hands on that precious cousin, while at the same time, I am hoping beyond hope that my precious babes aren't toooooo jealous - having to learn to share their favorite people:).

Oh - and there's one of P! There they are, scheming and getting dirty together. (Which reminds me, I overheard him call to her the other day, telling her he had a secret. Then it was quiet. Then he skipped in and announced that she'd actually leaned in and listened to his secret. He was tickled;). She, meanwhile, has finally picked up on his constant cackling and now sports a hilarious mwah-ha-ha. I've gotta get it on video.

(Happy, Daddy? That's two in one weekend! Think of it as partial bday joy ;)

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