Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Still pregnant...

I caught a pic of the cat and P cuddling while I read them a story.  The child cuddles this cat so much during the day its unreal.  E and I have been wondering how the whole manhandling, erm, constant cuddling thing will all play out with a baby rather than the feline...

Obviously, still no baby ;)  Last night, as we took our post-dinner walk, the child wished on stars.  For his sister to come.  N.O.W.  He was a bit disappointed today when the stars hadn't done his bidding ;)

But too busy being excited by our other imminent arrival to dwell on that too much.  My mother arrives tomorrow!!!  We are beyond excited (and thankful).  Hopefully Little Miss won't make her appearance too late into my mother's visit...

But other than that hope, I'm still not feeling completely fed up.  Which is nice.  Since I felt finished a few months ago ;)  I'm just enjoying the ease of these last days as the mother of a singleton.  Or, honestly, trying to enjoy them...  I've been uncharacteristically grumpy the last two days!  Typically, I can sense this and get past it pretty quickly, but its a rut I keep galumphing into, despite my inner chatter about how great life is.  You know, the sort of grumpy where each item that, for gawd's sake, doesn't defy gravity and actually falls to the ground, from whence you must bend over to pick it back up -  just totally pisses you off.   That sort of grumpy.  And as I breathed deeply through yet another annoyance this afternoon, I thought, heavens to Betsy, this child can't come until I get my head on straight!  Who wants to labor under a dark cloud...

I don't know if its the sleep deprivation finally wearing me down, or just feeling like there are so many things I'd like to do that I physically can't, but I'm hoping its just the freakishly full moon, so that this silliness is but a passing pfffft :)

I mostly hope it for the child.  Who is still being so empathetic that it breaks my heart to be anything less than ideal around him.

We have our 40 week appointment tomorrow, hopefully our last!  And then we're off to a park day with a bunch of homeschoolers and then to the airport!  No room for brooding (or laboring, actually) tomorrow.... ;)

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