Monday, September 26, 2011

Ode to a husband

"Oh, all of this nursing and pooping just wears a girl out!"

An exhausted Superman, sneaking some zzz's with Zia.

We had our wedding anniversary a few weeks ago (14 years of marriage - about, what, 22 years altogether?  Wow, time flies;) when I was sick. Superman sweetly carried in food and didn't blink at my boogery-self's uselessness.  Then his birthday hit the day after his daughter's and he was massively lost amongst the shuffle.  Labeling him "Birthday Boy" each time I addressed him was about as far as that all went...

And now, his bed-rest stricken wife has lazed about for a week, stuck upstairs with the sweetest little (constantly nursing!!!) babe while... he has gotten up before the crack of dawn to work a half day, then rushed downstairs to make said wife breakfast, wash diapers, clean dishes, do more laundry and diapers (umm, this kid is so getting EC'd as soon as I'm mobile!!!), scrub bathrooms and then turn around to fix more food for the silly, starving, stuck wife.  Oh, and he changes diapers, holds and coos at his daughter and then spends the afternoon creating creative number games with his son...  Honestly, the gratefulness I feel for this guy feels just. too. big.  Were I the type to enjoy being waited on hand and foot, this might just be the time of my life...  As it is, that constant of motherhood, Guilt (the bitch) taunts me.  Fortunately, Superman seems to be weathering the storm...

But, weathering it or not, I wish I could give him a Great Big Vacation.  For now, he'll have to settle for a public statement to his greatness :)  Ethan, you are my Superman.  Thank you.


eschulton said...

Jac, I love you.

To those following the blog ... don't believe her hype ;)

All I know is this - I saw my wife in action last week ... and she is ONE TOUGH BROAD. Well done Jac, well done!

A said...

You two are just too. darn. sweet!!!