Thursday, September 22, 2011

Artemisia West

She's here!  I believe E has sent texts to all of his family (and mine:) but I haven't really been on top of such things... so here's a little mass announcement!  Artemisia West (nickname: Zia) was born Monday morning at 1:56 AM, weighing in at 7 pounds and 6 ounces.  She's all healthy and sweet and we are So. In. Love.  The Little Man declared it the "best day of his life" and is quite effusive in his adoration of her little bits and pieces.  Except for her crying and pooping.  Those, he could do without ;)  But her pinky finger is, apparently, the World's Best Thing Ever.

Most of the women I know share their birth stories with each other, I don't know if this is a modern phenomena or a long reaching reaction to going through a life-changing period, but I never got around to putting P's to paper, so I'd like to do Z's before it fades into the woodwork.  Feel free to skip it ;)

First, my mother (henceforth called Our Saint) arrived on Thursday.  We had a day of fun falling in love with Portland on Friday while I had mild contractions pretty evenly spaced.  I'd had a few of the other classic "get ready for birth signs" the few previous days, so I knew this was probably very early labor, but I'm not counting it in the hourly countdown... that number would sound... obnoxious ;)

I woke up in faster labor at two that night and just tried to doze between contractions for a few hours.  Around six I was so hopeful things would move along and I could meet my daughter in a few hours (haha) that I got up and went up and down the stairs a few times.  Then I realized I was actually pretty tired and should be patient and try to sleep between them again :)

We did the basic early labor thing all day (the contractions were 8 to 10 minutes apart and some of them I couldn't talk through, but a lot were really manageable) so mom and I walked around the neighborhood and went to lunch, hoping to get things really going.  When she left with P that afternoon, I was concentrating pretty hard to get through the contractions, but they still weren't closer together.   One of my awesome midwives stopped by somewhere in there. She was fantastic about being patient with this labor and I was mightily relieved to be far away from words like "pitocin" and "timing your progress."

Let me pause here to sing the praises of the west-coast midwife.  I had a clinical one in NYC (meh - kinda like an OB, though I'm sure the homebirth midwives are quite different there).  With P I had a clinical midwife in the midwest (meh - kinda like a slightly more patient OB, but still kinda walking the traditional Western path) and now a homebirth midwife on the West Coast.  Which, my NYC midwife told me, would be a whole different story.  Now I know what she means.  The trust and patience these women have in the natural process of birthing a baby is almost tear inducing.  They never requested I do a cervical check to show what my progress was.  They continually reassured me that, however variant my labor was to those in the text books, it was going along beautifully.  There were no "time lines" or anything.  Just giving birth, whenever and however it happened.  I love that.

So I labored through Saturday night too, napping as I could, moving on the birthing ball to get through contractions.  Sunday morning brought.... 8 to 10 minute apart contractions.  I'll admit to being a bit bummed about this :)  I was really hoping to see this baby... soon!

My midwives came back again to see if I needed anything.  While they were here, my contractions suddenly spaced to 3 minutes apart and all of the intense back labor/pressure I'd been experiencing shifted.  Ahhh, this is more like I remembered it from P.  Things not quite so painful and moving closer together.  While they may have the patience of saints, I was ready to get this show on the road :)

Things settled into the classic 4 to 5 minutes apart, lasting for a minute pattern and after having tea and hanging out in the living room with E and I,  they left to let me labor.  It shifted back to back labor and lots of pressure in the back, but things were moving along, so I didn't care :)

I LOVE laboring at home like this.  The sweet little farmhouse we birthed in when P was born in Kansas was nice and all, but still, it wasn't home.

As the afternoon rambled on, I was feeling a bit restless and wanted to walk around the block.  It was a lovely drizzly day (I adore drizzle) and we set off, pausing when needed by trees to look like crazies, swaying through contractions :)

Then it started raining.  Like really raining.  We were actually just across the street from the flat my mother is staying in and I missed P desperately by then, so we popped in there to say hi.

My poor mother (aka Our Saint).  Unlike my midwives, she does appreciate a text book labor and was more than interested in her daughter being more comfortable at a little faster pace.  My labor totally stalled while we were there and I realized we needed to go, I was too worried about my mom's worry and P.  So out we went, P following us home :)

By dinnertime that night I was pretty tired of being in labor.  P had gone back to my mom and E and I ate in the kitchen.  We were happy to be following this labor's path, but I was pretty tired and not really wanting to labor through another night.  One of my midwives called to check in and I mentioned the word "discouraged" :)

She came over shortly afterwards with some naturopathics to regulate contractions if I wanted.  I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but, just as the day before when my other midwife arrived, my contractions almost immediately picked up the pace. Going just a few minutes apart, they checked my vitals and the babies again and all was well.

We went upstairs so I could lay on the bed to check the baby's pesky position.  She had been threatening us with being posterior for the past few weeks and all of the back labor definitely pointed in that direction.  A few contractions and a bit of belly poking later and... yup, she was still not all the way turned.  Which was probably why my labor was draggggggging along, to give her the encouragement she needed to stop hanging out on my side and move to the front.

One of my midwives said she would like to use a rebozo technique to help the baby take the final turn she needed.  Sweet.  I lay down on the floor on top of her rebozo and she rocked my baby belly side to side in a sway.  A contraction interrupted us and as I turned on my side to work through it I felt the baby make a big movement right as I heard a POP!  Strange, I thought, what was....

And then I was totally taken over with contraction on top of contraction on top of contraction on top of, you get the idea.  There was no break for about 6 or 7 minutes.  And I LOVE what Silke said as it passed.  "That seemed like a bigger one..."  Hehee.

I replied that I was pretty sure I was going to make a mess fast.

Sweet Ethan had just been instructed to fill up the birthing tub so I could finally relax through some of these back labor pains (now that things were really moving, we hadn't been wanting to take a chance on the comfort of the water slowing things down) and I could just hear the music he had put on to whistle to while he worked. For some reason, this made me laugh.  I find the man so delightful.

After a few seconds, another one hit and I said I was going to throw up (which made me realize I must have all of a sudden hit transition) and then another one hit and... my body started pushing.  Ummm.  Strange.  Transition supposedly lasts a bit.  But nope.  No puking.  Definitely pushing.

And with that, the tub was abandoned and E (henceforth called Superman) was beckoned to with a bit of immediacy.

I knew there was the commotion of birthing stuffs being brought into the bedroom.  Liners being put onto the white carpet.  Our other midwife being called.  But I was busy.  It was all background because I was so completely consumed by constant contractions and my body being a bit confused.  Part of me was pushing and part of me was just trying to muddle through the contractions like I had for the last few days.  Finally, I realized they weren't really in sink and gave into the pushing part and that was immediately satisfying.  And immensely painful.

Which was frustrating to me.  Because the pushing part with P wasn't nearly this painful.  This was all so different.

And so it went for the next four hours.  Superman helped balance me as I squatted then leaned forward, then huddled on him, then, feeling pretty exhausted, laid sideways on the bed and pushed against him.  There may have been some smacking on his legs.  He may have been told no, pleeeease, when he mentioned the need to pee, there definitely was pushing and pulling on his body parts...  And he was so soothing with light kisses and basically just letting me abuse him however my body needed.  Superman.

Meanwhile, the midwives were amazing.  Their encouragement allowed the worry that occasionally creeped in (it hurt so much worse than P's!  And this was supposed to be, ahem, easier the second time!!!) to be set aside and my pushing to be as effective (thanks to their coaching) as it could be.

So, though their suggestion to move upright (actually will my body to move?!) seemed insane,  I trusted them, knowing that the gravity I'd been trying to dance with all day should come back into the picture and help me out.  As soon as I was up and squatting I knew things had just changed.  "She's coming!"

She had felt stuck for seeming forever.  I could feel her moving further down, but then sliding back up.  Over and over again.  She just couldnt' get past some curve.  And I could feel her trying.  Trying to help me, adjusting in me.  And this made me love her even so much more.  My strong daughter.

Gravity brought her around the bend and I felt her crown.  Oh the supreme joy of that moment.  My midwives before, from P's birth, bailed on me before I could birth P by myself.  They said they didn't think I could do it, that I needed help, that the vacuum should be used.  I remember being a bit surprised because I didn't feel done and ready to give up that night.  I didn't feel like I couldn't do it.   Well, it was in the moment that Zia crowned that I knew that what my West Coast midwives had suggested was true.  I could have done it.  With enough patience and the proper support, I could birth a baby.

And so I was So Excited to push her out.  Feel that ring of fire.  And then her head.  (The midwives all kinda exclaimed as her head came through and I thought it was just that I had reached that point....)   Then her body and oh my gawd.  I'd had a baby.

But there was blood.  Pools of it.  I noticed it as I sat back against E and we both stared in awe at our sweet Artemisia.  I was aware the midwives were busily looking at me while completely not interrupting our moments of bonding.  They seemed interested in me getting my placenta out pretty soon, which part of my brain made a checkmark by as slightly strange after all of the patience, but a silly placenta after a big baby head, well, I was more than happy to acquiesce....  And found out later it was to assure that I was safe and healthy :)

We held and loved her and awed at her until her cord stopped beating and was cut.  She was alert and I think I was a little in shock that the whole thing had ended up with such a perfect little healthy baby.

Turns out, my placenta detached in a weird way, causing immense bleeding.  I love the fact that something kinda big like that could happen and my midwives were able to be alert without freaking or taking that bonding moment away from us at all.

It was just a couple of minutes before 2AM when she made her arrival, and the after "stuff' took us until almost 6.  I was interested in showering.  My midwives weren't so into the idea, but humored me.  I fainted.  Ditto when I went to pee.  Ditto again when I stood up.  Turns out I lost about a quart of blood and that's a lot harder to deal with than I would have guessed ;)

So the lovely midwives sponged me clean, while they cleaned up our bedroom that had turned into a scene set from Dexter.  They made me eggs and toast.  Spoon fed me yogurt after I fainted again and couldn't sit up.  Started laundry.

Then they mentioned Zia had come out posterior. Which made sense.  No wonder she'd had such a rough time getting around that last bend, she was facing the wrong way :)  Which increases a baby's head circumference by, like, 12 feet or something ;)

Which leads to lots of stitches for the mother :)

After the stitches and the weighing and the settling, our amazing midwives headed home so that Superman and I could sleep.

I think that's all of the details.  I have to go, at any rate, because Our Saint has just brought me roast and root vegetables, the better to remake about 1/4 of your blood supply with...  and it tastes So Good.

1 comment:

A said...

Ooooo what a beautiful birthing story!!!! And Zia is soooo precious! WE ARE BEYOND EXCITED TO MEET HER! So happy you found time/energy to share a post about her entry into the world :) Give her a smooch for us and we can't wait to congratulate P on being a BIG BROTHER!!