Friday, February 12, 2010

Sledding, sort of.

We met a couple fellow homeschoolers in the park yesterday to enjoy the deep snow. We only hoped for great sledding (and empty hills with all of the kids back in school, a total perk in busy Brooklyn ;) but were surprised with amazing snow sculptures all over the park. Apparently, some inspired (or bored) adults (or big kids) had a blast during the blizzard too. P and his bud deserted their sleds pretty quickly in lieu of the fun filled tunnel fort...

The Little Man walks much further these days, I don't think its been an actual energy/strength issue (he can run non-stop all day when playing:) - more that he's just becoming less bitter about growing up. After saying (for years) that he doesn't want to grow up, ever, this month he chose to age an entire year, just to match Eloise's age.

P happily hikes home:

The Little Man really liked this snowman:


A said...

That snow fort is freaking sweet!!! And the snowman on the bench does really rock!

A said...
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