Saturday, February 20, 2010

Kids and Concoctions

I don't know what it is about kids and concoctions, but its a solid relationship for sure. I remember the boys in my class making all sorts of unmentionables during lunch. Turns out, P likes this too. Since I have innate issues with waste in this weary world, we've done lots of colored water. But now he's getting into chemical reactions. Becoming a big fan of vinegar and baking soda. Vanilla. Oil and water. And now, the hand crank.

He's had the hand mixer high on his list for a long time, and that time finally came this week. After torturing the pink monster, he cooked it up in the kitchen, cleaned the crank and then headed to the bath to churn some bubbles. Five is fun :)

More on our exciting week of snow play later...


Dina said...

i just found a cool thing to do with some milk, food coloring (i have some natural stuff if u want to borrow) and dish soap. the colors swirl around and it looks really neat. logan wasn't impressed when we did it.

Jac said...

Oooo! Send me the link?