P, as I've mentioned before, is always P. Unless he is Woof-Woof, the imaginary dog that is P's only alter-ego. Despite finagling numerous costumes in the last two years, he will not wear them in front of anyone but me, and even then, only briefly. (One evening, sporting his bat costume, the Little Man realized it was near E's arrival time and was in a frenzy to remove the polyester velour. He hurriedly explained that Papa wouldn't know who he was! When I reassured him that Papa would always recognize his little boy, P asked, astonished, "How?!" He was a bat, for gawd's sake, how on earth would E figure him for a boy? :) Even with me, after a moment or two, he has to slide out of pirate garb to make sure I know its still him. While this has been a long standing habit, of late, its climbed to new heights.
In fact, I can no longer speak in any voice but mine or BB's. I'm prone to accents, funny voices, being a natural dork and all. P, however, will stand it no longer. If I slip into something silly, he claps his hands (his current physical exclamation point) and yells "Just. Be. Mama!!!!" Sometimes he even adds a foot stomp. Seriously, lately he gets lost so completely into his imagination, he can't see the neon signs pointing back towards reality.
Long story short, the kid wanted to Trick or Treat this year, but had no interest in sporting a costume. Yet, he knew it was expected and wanted to play by the rules. Tough conundrum. I mentioned he could accentuate something that is a part of him, rather than being something he is not. He could be an Explorer, a Painter, a Rock Collector... He suggested a paintbrush. Great! He suggested a Tree. Great! He suggested a Mountain, with hiking trails, a moose, a little river, lots of trees and a tiny BB, hiking on the trails. Chased by a bear. Ummm, not so great. So, of course, this is the one he wanted :)
Fortunately, when Halloween morning rolled around a day or two later, P wasn't in the mood to make a costume. He just wanted to ride Rody. Perfect! I said. Be a Rody Rider. So he was.
He greatly wanted me to accompany him Trick or Treating. I greatly wanted to go. But E is unable to make hummus, home-made pita bread and fancy brownies (P's requests for his first big Bday party, falling on the following day) so the roles were set and off they went. Fabulous Aunt Alicia and Uncle Seth tagged along and P, reportedly, had a great time.
He returned home with the rain and set to organizing and categorizing his new candy collection. He didn't unwrap a single piece of it, but trick or treated, over and over, with Froggy and BB, from his cardboard box "house" :) I'm fairly certain he was the only "Wody Widah" that day, and has received a number of blank stares when relating his "costume" choice. Next year, we'll have to pick something he can pronounce a little more clearly....
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