We had such a blast last Sunday that at the end of the day we felt like we'd been on vacation. We went to AMNH and the Children's Museum of Manhattan (yay for memberships!!) roamed Central Park and ate out all day. Any one of these usually defines our weekend, so all of it in one day was a real treat. But we were on a roll (actually a scoot, but...)
Once again, the changes in P were so obvious at the museums. He focused on exhibits even longer and asked more in depth questions. When we were in the Dinosaur wing there was a toddler going up and down and up and down a set of stairs. I remembered P at the museum shortly after we moved to NY - that was all he wanted to do that day - those stairs. This time he stood on the same set and asked pointed questions about the duck billed dinosaurs. A Siberian diorama captured him for 20 question filled minutes. It featured hunters bringing home a beluga whale to their village. We chatted about the lack of agriculture in that climate and the need to eat meat. P was in hearty disagreement. There was a sprig of grass towards the back of the window and he pointed to it as proof that produce was possible. Sun requirements for tomato plants didn't really register for him, so we had to just nod along with his description of the diorama: the beluga whale was beached and the men were doctors, bringing it back to the village to heal it. Yes. Same kid who routinely tortures Baby Brother.
His change at the Children's Museum was even more marked. When we went last month with Malek he clung to my side and required constant interaction. Within 15 minutes of arriving on Sunday he was off like lightning. He happily bounced from one fun activity to another (I promise a lengthy video for the grandparents in the next couple of days), experimenting with all the different activities. He swirled the turning windows for an eternity, seeing shapes float, how liquid moves, how colors blend. He poured, dumped and funneled enough sand to make a beach. True to turning three, costumes are finally fun, so he dug into the costume bin and played jaguar for a bit. He almost squeaked when he found the porcupine puppet that he fell in love with during our last visit. The place was Chaos Filled but he didn't seem overwhelmed this time. In fact, we didn't leave until they announced the museum was closing.
Its now Friday night (yes, this blog is my exciting Friday night date) and I'm hoping this weekend is half as nice as the last :)
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