Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Got giggle?

P was practicing his fake laugh this morning during breakfast. (A boy sported a hearty fake one at a marionette show last week and P's been busy appropriating it.) His guffaw got me giggling and then his laugh went real and we really got going. There's nothing like happy tears in your eyes at 7 in the morning! Or a three year old's silliness. Side note: P's teeth haven't gone the way of the Beverly Hillbillies, the mouth decor is chocolate chip pancakes (hey - they have flax seed meal and oats thrown in!). And I apologize for the Blair Witch like shake, I was chuckling too hard to hold things steady :)


Ian said...

haha.. i love it! so incredibly cute!

Seth said...

Not going to lie... you made me laugh P.