Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Winter has finally hit here in the Northwest.  We had the most beautiful snowfall this morning featuring the biggest flakes known to mankind.  Amounted to nothing, of course, cuz it just isn't cold enough down in the city.  But it was pretty.  P and I watched it out the window, facing his BFF's window, where the neighbor boys also stared up at the sky.  It was a sweet moment.

Zia has been teething, or growth spurting or food reacting or somethinging lately, so we've been playing it mellow yellow.  Our food options are starting to wear thin on us all (except for Superman, for whom repetition matters not).  It strikingly difficult to find meals that are balanced and that all of us enjoy (not to um, point any fingers at the seven year old...) that don't have eggs or tomatoes or potatoes or beef or dairy or corn...  And I'm realizing just how much I cooked with tomatoes before Zia.  (P's never met a tomato dish he didn't like.)  So, now the seven year old seems picky, but really, he's just done with chicken and carrots.  I'm still trying a new food every four days, but its so freakin hard to tell what's food and what's just her being tired or teething or boogery.  At this point, we're just relying on her butt and her spit-up to clue us to how things work.  But she's out of sorts for sure, so I'm stepping back a few weeks and going basic again.  Baby steps :)

P's been having a fun time hibernating the last week.  He received some spy stuff for Christmas and loves slinking around setting traps and shooting light into the dark.  (Like the time he snuck his tripwire alarm upstairs and placed it outside E's office.  Ethan takes work very seriously.  He works extra hours every day, usually doesn't count his hours on the weekends and doesn't take breaks but to pee.  P knows this all too well and decided seeing Papa during said pee break would be brilliant.  When E walked out of his office to wee, the whole house knew ;)  E about fell over from laughing and P got a quick hug, making his spy stuff treasured stuff:)

And the kids continue to play together.  P is thrilled she is interested in toys.  I'm pretty sure he seriously overstimulated her the first night he brought her objects to hold :)  And Zia freakin LOVES laughing at P.  And he loves to make people laugh.  Its a good combo.  Its funny to me, since he was such a serious baby and toddler, to see him being such a ham these days. This morning, attempting to distract her from the torture of nail trimming, he was making funny faces.  Suddenly he crossed his arms into an "X", concentrated for a second, and proclaimed "WORD."

Oh Em Gee.  I died.  I had no idea where he'd seen that and his attempt to get it right was hilariously sweet.  When I took a breath, I asked him where he'd seen that.  "A preview.  Is it alright I did it?"  (We've had looooong chats about movies and real life appropriateness:)  When I told him yup, he did it again.  And again.  And again.  I was laughing so hard I was crying.  So was he.  Zia, she wasn't quite so sure ;)

But until this week, we've been out and about every weekend and loving our weekly walks.  Zia's hatred of the car is extreme, and P's devotion to riding the bike grew when he devised a BB sled (a muffin tin, reinforced with duck tape, with a crayon BB drawn in the middle all safety pinned to some pink yarn and a reflector ribbon) to follow us as we pedal about the city.  Rain or shine, he's happy to jump on the back of the bike and listen to BB bump down the road.  See video above :)


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